
Where does Selena Gomez live

For all the fans of Selena Gomez, here’s and insider! We know where does Selena Gomez live! This hot young lady has a big house which some of us have just seen in movies. It does not wonder why her house is so big and beautiful, she earns a lot.

Where does Selena Gomez live

Interesting turn in her career

Selena Gomez is real chick and whoever says differently is notorious liar. She made her name with songs like “Love you like a love song” and many others who promote love and happiness. Her career began very early and at that time, she was not aware of the future popularity she will have. Her hits are reviewed over and over again and played millions of time on YouTube or wherever. What’s interesting is that her career was solid and after she hooked up with Canadian heartthrob Justin Beiber, her fame and glory rose to world wide level. This pair is maybe the most popular in the world of music currently. They were on and off and on again and it seems like never ending circle. Internet is full of Justin Bieber photos in the place where does Selena Gomez live. And she lives in fantastic mansion. (more…)

Learn more about where is Bruno Mars from

When you hear the story of success of Bruno Mars, you’ll have to admit he was destined to be musician and not just common one, but really really popular. If you ask where is Bruno Mars from, you will maybe get a surprise answer.

Where is Bruno Mars from

Early days of a great musician

Bruno Mars is not the real name of his. It is Peter Gene Hernandez and guess where is Bruno Mars from? He is from very well known town of Honolulu, Hawaii. Raised in musician family, he couldn’t go other way, didn’t he? Both his mother and father were musicians and his family was performing in Las Vegas style on the streets of Honolulu. Bruno learned great stuff in that period and as he says himself, it was the corner stone for him being what he is now. An interesting thing about Bruno Mars is that he never had a teacher to learn the music from. He is naturally gifted. Drums, little piano and similar instruments were always an inevitable part of his early life. Funny story about his nickname Bruno is that he was restless and rough little kid so his sister explained once for all that was the reason for Bruno nickname; he was brute as a kid. Ok, you know now where is Bruno Mars from. Skip down to the next title and find out about his beginnings and his career. (more…)